Results Oriented Consulting
Consulting on your business is one thing we do always. Whether as a specific service or as an ongoing service in support of any services you have us provide. Our goal is your business success and successful implementation of any service we provide.
We are small business cheer leaders, encouraging and leading small business owners to a greater level of enjoyment and profits in your business. Business can be complex and we bring years of expertise to make your life easier.
Beginning at the beginning of your business. What you provide and what makes your business stand out from the competition that is ….
Positioning, Presence, Prestige Defined
Knowing what you do and how to simply, clearly communicate it, to do to get the word out about your business, can seem overwhelming. We can help.
You’re good at what you do. You want to help, to serve people and have a successful business, BUT you can’t do any of that unless you do some marketing. If no one knows you and what you do…
Marketing is nothing more than telling your story (your Positioning in the marketplace) to people on a regular basis so that some will come to buy from you.
Many smart, skilled people don’t know how to tell their own story (or even what their story is) we can help. That’s becomes your “Positioning”, “Unique Selling Proposition” (USP), “Value Proposition” etc. what you do and why people should do business with you, not the folks down the street.
The reality is no matter how good you are the person/company who tells the best story about themselves, in the most convincing way, to the most people, succeeds.
SO. Define your story. Learn to tell it well and plaster it over all your marketing.
In todays’s world, the internet (websites and social media) are powerful tools for you to reach more people with your story than ever before.
We can help you define your story and ‘get it out there’ so you can do more good, for more people, each day.
Our first step is ALWAYS to help you clarify your Positioning so we can help you spread the word and not be the best kept secret.
Request a Positioning consultation to discover yourself all over again so you can clearly, powerfully share with others.
Having a visible and strong presence online is easier and more powerful than you think.
Everyone searches on the internet for people and companies to spend their money with. The question is will those people find you? And what will they find?
There are 3 powerful internet tools that people use everyday to find your business: Google Search, Facebook and YouTube (Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter too but it’s niche dependant).
Google search is #1 and if you’ve done a good job of developing your internet Presence then Google will find your Presence and present your business to searchers. That’s the goal of SEO (search engine optimization).
A business without a website is rare. Many businesses have a website but it is outdate (or never updated) and that makes people wonder “is this business actually open?”.
You need a business website. It does not have to be super fancy or complex but should be clean neat and have up to date information, regular content, so people know you are still in business and current with your knowledge and skills.
Your website is your 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, 365 days a year salesperson. It is powerful if you use it properly. That means content, articles, tips, videos which can all be produced in a fast, simple way that will work for you to sell, attract and close people to contact you, instead of a competing business.
Facebook is a powerful tool as well BUT if you are not doing regular Posts it will hurt your business. Again, like the website, regular, updated info and Posts makes your business look open and serious about wanting new clients.
If you have a Facebook page, dead is no posts months or years, life support is 1 post per week, full alive is 5 posts per week minimum. If you are doing less Posting probably is hurting your business. We can help with that, you don’t need to know or even like Facebook but it is a useful business tool that should be maximized
YouTube is your “Know, Like, Trust” powerhouse. There is nothing more powerful for allowing people who do not know your business than video.
People will watch videos of your (or staff) talking, teaching, educating on their own time 24/7/365 and you made the video once. It is the most efficient, effective way for people to get to Know you, Like you and Trust you, which are the 3 keys to building a relationship with a total stranger so they feel comfortable contacting your business to do business with you.
Guess what? Every video can go on YouTube, your website, Facebook and more to build relationships while you work and sleep. Efficient and effective, each piece of content distributed on multiple platforms for maximum Presence, which also means Google is more likely to find you when people search.
And we can help you with that.
Positioning is the foundation to Presence and Prestige leading to the end result of clear, strong 5 Star Reputation that we can help you get it right.
Overview of Your Reputation Expert Services
If you have watched the Introduction video in the sidebar you can skip to 10:30