We are inundated with new information so much these days that golden nuggets, key concepts, foundational ideas get lost in the deluge. It’s important to revisit key ideas so that we remember what is important and we ACT on it.
In recent Posts we’ve looked at:
- Your Online Reputation can hurt or help your business
- First impressions your company and staff makes on clients. Is it a good one? Is it the one you want? Are your people sending different messages or the wrong message?
- Hidden assets in your business exist, find where they might be hiding…
- Customer worth, how much is each customer really worth? One time and over the lifetime of the customer relationship. Can you afford not to invest great service in a relationship that could be worth thousands of dollars more over time?
- 10% gains add up to big dollars. Think small to grow big, one small step at a time!
- 13 of 23 Ways to multiply income Small ideas in regular steps can mean big rewards. Apply 1 per week.
- Use these ideas to multiply your business on your own, or contact us to help coach you through them (or ask us to do the implementation for you).
Make sure to check out our “8 Secret Power Tools That Will Build Systems In Your Business, Free Up Your Time and Put Money in YOUR Pocket” .
Are they really secrets? Well no, but walking into most businesses you would think so, because VERY few are using them and many do not know them, but you can, and we can help you.
Your Ultimate Freedom Business awaits you. Define it and achieve it! Start with our business questionnaire CONTACT US….